Ladies, gather around because we need to talk. You met a guy, he’s cute, he texts just enough to keep you hooked, and your heart is doing the cha-cha whenever he glances your way. But hold up! Before you start doodling his last name in your diary, let’s make sure you’re not falling for a walking, talking, heartbreak-waiting-to-happen red flag.
Here are 9 signs that should make you RUN (not walk) in the opposite direction:
1. He Calls His Ex “Crazy”
If every ex he’s ever had was “insane,” guess what? The common denominator is him. The real crazy thing is believing you won’t be next on his “psychotic ex” list.
2. He Love Bombs You, Then Ghosts
One minute he’s planning your future together, the next he’s MIA like he got abducted by aliens. If his attention span lasts as long as a TikTok trend, he’s just playing games.
3. His Phone is Always on Do Not Disturb
Sure, maybe he just likes peace and quiet. OR maybe he’s hiding texts from someone who thinks she’s his girlfriend. You decide.
4. He Hates Labels
“Why ruin a good thing by putting a label on it?” Translation: I want to keep my options open while you stay loyal. Nah. You deserve better.
5. He’s Overly Mysterious About Everything
Where does he live? “Around.” What does he do for work? “Stuff.” Why do you only hang out at your place? Girl, you might be the side chick.
6. His “Jokes” are Just Insults with a Laugh Track
“Haha, you’re kinda clingy, aren’t you?” No, you just want respect. If he constantly “jokes” about your insecurities, he’s gaslighting you for sport.
7. He Disappears When You Need Him Most
Your pet goldfish just died, your boss yelled at you, and you’re having a full-blown crisis. Where is he? Probably too busy “charging his phone” for the next 8 hours.
8. He Doesn’t Post You, Ever
If you’ve been together for months and his feed looks like he’s single, he probably wants people to think he is.
9. Your Gut is SCREAMING at You
If something feels off, trust yourself. Your gut is better at spotting danger than your heart is at ignoring it.
So, What Now?
If you read this list and thought, “Omg, this is literally him,” it’s time for an upgrade. And if you need help glowing up, moving on, and NEVER falling for a red flag again, check out the GlowUp Journal, the ultimate guide to self-love, boundary-setting, and becoming that girl who doesn’t tolerate nonsense. Don’t just survive heartbreak, thrive past it.Grab yours before they sell out!
What’s the biggest red flag you’ve ever ignored? Drop it in the comments, let’s laugh (and cry) together!