5 Texting Mistakes That Make You Look Desperate 

You know the feeling. You send a text. You stare at your phone. No reply. So you send another text. Then, suddenly, you realize, you’ve turned into that girl. The one who looks desperate AF. 

But don’t worry, bestie, we’ve all been there. The good news? You can easily fix these cringe-worthy texting mistakes and keep your confidence intact. Ready? Let’s dive in. 

1. The “Hey…Hey???” Syndrome 

Look, we get it. He hasn’t replied. But girl, triple texting is a no-go. If he wanted to talk, he would. That “??” is just giving off major pick-me energy.

Fix it: Send your message and chill. If he’s interested, he’ll respond. If not? Next. 

2. Writing a Whole Autobiography 

“Hey, I had such a crazy day! First, I got my oat milk latte, but they gave me almond instead, so I had to go back. Then my boss was so annoying, and OMG, you won’t believe what happened after that…”

Girl. He did not sign up for your TED Talk.

Fix it: Keep it short, snappy, and leave a little mystery. Want to tell him more? Let him ask

3. The Instant Reply Trap 

Him: “Hey.”

You: Instantly types back like your life depends on it.

Sis, take a breath! If you reply within 0.2 seconds, you’re making it look like you have nothing better to do.

Fix it: Wait a few minutes. Heck, live your life! Make him wonder what you’re up to.

4. The Overuse of Emojis & “Lols” 

“Omg haha  that’s so funny lol .”

…Is it, though? Or are you just trying too hard to seem fun?

Fix it: Use emojis sparingly and let your words do the talking. Confidence doesn’t need excessive “LOLs.”

5. The “What Are We?” Text 

Nothing screams “I am obsessed with you” more than asking where things are going after two dates.

Fix it: Let things unfold naturally. If you feel like you have to ask, he’s probably not the one.

 Bonus Fix: The Ultimate Texting Glow-Up

If you’re done looking desperate and ready to level up your texting game, then girl, you need to check out the Flirt Like a Pro Guide by TextMastery. It teaches you the exact way to text guys so they chase you, not the other way around! 

 Why you need this guide: 

  •  Learn the art of magnetic texting 
  •  Make him double-text you (yes, really!) 
  •  Keep conversations fun, flirty & in your control

So, Which Texting Mistake Are You Guilty Of?

Tell me in the comments! And don’t forget, confidence is key, bestie. Now go slay that texting game. 

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